* [Added] Quotations for partners
* [Added] Communications for partners
* [Added] Accept/Reject quotations for partners
* [Added] Notifications for partner quotations with clickable links to jobs
* [Added] Notifications for partner communications with clickable links to jobs
* [Added] Auto trigger (email,sms,notification) when partner confirms quotation
* [Added] Auto trigger (email,sms,notification) when sending messages in partner communications
* [Added] Widget Booking: Implementation new page responsive template for consumer and quote booking
* [Added] Widget Booking: Auto price calculation for multiple symptoms
* [Added] Widget Booking: Warning confirmation popups for “Find my iphone”, ”disable password” etc.
* [Added] Widget Booking: Info popups how to disable password etc.
* [Added] Widget Booking: Popup for device backup
* [Added] Widget Booking: For drop off/pick up: when only 1 store it will show the store address directly without selection field
* [Added] Settings Widgets area to define all info and confirmation popup texts
* [Added] Settings Widgets area to define all texts for buttons
* [Added] Settings Widgets area to upload custom CSS code for different layout buttons etc
* [Added] Consumer booking / quote booking moved to widget1 and widget2
* [Added] Option to integrate widget booking in own website
* [Added] Settings Parts -> Categories: With multilevel category structure
* [Added] Settings Parts -> Manufacturers
* [Added] Settings Parts -> Suppliers: with Supplier prefix, VAT and full address details
* [Added] Settings Parts -> Stock locations: Stock areas with box labels
* [Added] Settings Parts -> Part definitions: customized naming
* [Added] Renewed part section with: Manage, Book-In, Book-Out, Stock Level, Stock Value, Import
* [Added] Parts Manage: Customized field naming with part definitions
* [Added] Parts Manage: Unique system barcode per part
* [Added] Parts Manage: 3 extra optional barcodes per part
* [Added] Parts Manage: Part color
* [Added] Parts Manage: Stock location assignment per part
* [Added] Parts Manage: Multiple suppliers and cost prices per part
* [Added] Parts Manage: Brand/model/symptoms assignment per part
* [Added] Parts Manage: Part labels per supplier
* [Added] Parts Manage: Upload multiple files per part
* [Added] Parts Manage: Option to clone part
* [Added] Parts Book-IN: Book in parts per supplier and assign to stock location
* [Added] Parts Book-IN: Part labels per booking
* [Added] Parts Book-IN: Autocomplete or part selection popup for book in parts
* [Added] Parts Book-IN: Automatic stock add after booking
* [Added] Parts Book-Out: Overview of parts booked out in Job Process
* [Added] Parts Book-Out: Total amount booked out
* [Added] Parts Stock Level: Overview stock per stock location with filter option
* [Added] Parts Stock Level: Export overview to PDF
* [Added] Parts Stock Level: Export overview to Excel
* [Added] Parts Stock Level: Total stock level
* [Added] Parts Stock Value: Overview stock amount per stock location with filter option
* [Added] Parts Stock Value: Export overview to PDF
* [Added] Parts Stock Value: Export overview to Excel
* [Added] Parts Stock Value: Total stock amount
* [Added] Parts Import: Option to download sample Excel sheet based on part definitions
* [Added] Parts Import: Option to import part data direct from Excel Sheet
* [Added] Job Process: Recommended parts
* [Added] Job Process: New part selector with autocomplete or popup
* [Added] Job Process: Multiple stock location selector to deduct part from multiple stock locations
* [Added] Job Process: Auto stock deduction after selecting part
* [Added] Job Process: Auto stock add when delete part from list
Date: 30. November 2017, RepairCMS Development